School Hours and Academic Calendar
The school is open normally Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 p.m., Fridays 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (and Sundays 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. only when classes are scheduled). The school will be closed for classes during the following holidays and recesses:
Martin Luther King's Birthday
Rosh Hashanah and Eve
President's Day
Yom Kippur and Eve
Passover and Eve
Columbus Day
Good Friday & Easter Weekend Halloween (Evening Only)
Memorial Day and Weekend
Veterans Day
Independence Day
Thanksgiving Eve, Day and Weekend
Labor Day and Weekend
Christmas Eve through New Years Day
Note: 1. Class cancellation due to inclement weather is at the Director's discretion. Students should call the school at on bad weather days for school closing information.
2. Holidays of 1 or more days are made-up by adding extra class days or hours to other days comprising the courses and schedules affected.
Class Make-ups
Class make-ups due to unexpected inclement weather, teacher unavailability or school emergency are held on Fridays for day students, and on Saturdays for evening or Saturday students, during regular school hours.
Clock Hours and Class Sessions
Each class session clock hour consists of at least 50 minutes of instruction. In programs where two (2) class sessions are offered each day, there will be at least a one (1) hour break between class sessions.
Anti-Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of New Person Career School not to discriminate in its educational programs, admissions policies, financial aid programs, employment practices and other school-sponsored activities because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, national or ethnic origin, age, or handicap. The school's placement facilities are available only to employers, business and persons whose practices are consistent with this policy.
Sexual Harassment Policy
We are committed to maintaining our school and working environment free from all unlawful discrimination and harassment. The school will not tolerate unlawful harassment, including harassment because of a person’s race, color, religion, creed, ancestry, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital or veteran status, sexual orientation, political ideology, or other characteristic protected by applicable state, federal, or local laws. Students or staff should report any instance of sexual harassment to a non-involved/neutral staff person as soon as possible.
Licensing & Copyrights Protections Policy
All school computer software for classroom computers were either originally installed by the manufacturer, or purchased individually for each computer. All ownership intellectual property rights related to the design and delivery of content of content for school courses belong to the school unless otherwise published in writing and disclosed to its students by the school. Licensing for this software is maintained at the school. All distributed photocopied classroom learning materials contain a disclaimer stating that they are “Distributed to the student for educational purpose only.”
Instructor Proprietary Interest Disclosure
The school instructor is required by the school and agree to verbally disclose to students, prior to the start of course classes, any of the instructor’s proprietary interest in products, instruments, devices, services or materials discussed, as well as the source of any compensation they received related to such presentation.
Standards of Conduct and Dress
New Person Career School prepares students for employment in the business world. Students are therefore expected to exhibit proper business conduct and appearance while attending classes. While enrolled at the school, students will be held to a high standard of conduct, and are expected to respect the interests and rights of fellow students and staff persons. Any form of verbal or physical abuse, violence or profanity, harassing, threatening, malicious or disruptive behavior towards another student, perspective student, school staff person or the school itself, inside or outside the school facilities, stealing or purposely abusing school facilities or equipment, by any student is strictly forbidden, and will subject the student to immediate probation, suspension or dismissal at the school’s discretion.
Students talking to each other during a teacher's lecture is extremely disrespectful and disruptive, and will subject such students to probation. Any repeat violations by such students may result in dismissal.
Food or beverages, other than bottled water, are not permitted in the school classroom, library or reception areas. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate are not allowed on the school premises. Smoking or vaping are not permitted in school classroom, library, hallway, lounge or reception areas. Cell phones cannot be used by students in school classrooms or its library.
Additionally, the following suggested standards of dress have been developed as guidelines for student and teacher appearance while attending/teaching classes:
Males are requested to wear: suits or sports jackets; slacks (not jeans); dress shirts (long or short sleeve), and dress shoes.
Females are requested to wear: suits, blazers, or dresses; dress shirts, blouses or pants (not jeans), and dress shoes.
Code of Ethics and Discipline
Academic dishonesty, misrepresentation or cheating by any student involving course work or perspective employment will not be tolerated and must be reported to a school official immediately. Any student guilty of breaching this school Code of Ethics is subject to immediate dismissal.
New Person Career School reserves the right to place on probation, suspend or dismiss any student who fails to comply with the school's rules and regulations set forth in this catalog. Further, probationary students failing to comply with the school catalog's rules and regulations by the end of the prescribed probationary period may be dismissed.
Any student disagreeing with a school determination of probation, suspension, or dismissal, may make a written appeal to the Director. The Director's decision on the appeal is final.
Recording Lectures
Students are not permitted to record school lectures. Exceptions may be made for handicapped students or in exceptional cases with the permission of the instructor and school Director.
Privacy of Academic Records
In accordance with federal law, the school preserves the confidentiality of all student academic and personal records. Unless required by law, the school will not release such records except with the student's written consent.
School Admissions Policy
New Person Career School seeks qualified candidates for admission to its academic programs. The school therefore limits admission, at its discretion, to such persons it believes will most benefit from its specialized courses and training, and in turn, will make the most effective paralegals.
Entrance Requirements & Procedures
Candidates seeking admission to a school program are required to:
1. Contact a school Admissions Representatives and schedule an interview by calling or visiting the school. Interviews are by appointment only;
2. Complete the Candidate Information and Application Form and Writing Sample provided at the school;
3. Attend the scheduled interview.
Candidates enrolling in any school offered program must meet the following additional entrance requirements:
2. Provide documentation of having at least a high school certificate or equivalency certificate as follows:
a. By providing a copy of a high school, college, or graduate school certificate or transcript, or officially stamped and sealed letter from the student's former high school, demonstrating at least high school graduation;
3. Provide documentation of being at least 17 years of age as follows:
a. By providing a valid driver's license, state ID, passport or visa (originals only);
4. Complete and sign the program Enrollment Agreement and all other required forms.
Previous Training and Experience
The school may grant advanced standing and pro-rata tuition credit for related training completed at a previous institution. Advanced standing reduces the number of courses the student must complete. Pro-rata tuition credit reduces the amount of a program's tuition cost by the cost of the course hours granted advanced standing, based on the program's hourly rate stated in the student's enrollment agreement.
Advanced standing for previously completed training may be awarded only at the Director's discretion, after receipt and review of the enrollee's transcript, program and course descriptions from the previous institution of instruction. Credit is limited to previous coursework in which the student received a grade of C or higher, and may not exceed 1/2 of the total length of the student’s program of enrollment at New Person Career School. No advanced standing will be awarded for related job or life experience.
Placement Office Registration and Guidelines
Students are required to register with the school's Placement Office by providing a current resume to discuss their specific placement assistance needs. Meetings with the Placement Director are made by appointment only.
Meetings regarding externships are made after the student receives final grades in at least two (2) courses (additional final course grades may be required at the Placement Director's discretion). Meetings regarding job placement referrals are made during the student's final course.
In order to be considered for employment referral, the student must provide the Placement Office with a current resume, free of any misspellings or grammatical mistakes, and edited according to school specifications. Students failing to do so may not be considered for referrals by the school.
Students referred to potential employers must inform the Placement Office of any interviews scheduled and the outcome of any interviews arranged through a school referral. Students failing to do so may not be considered for future referrals by the school.
Resume, cover letter and follow-up letter drafting and proofing assistance are limited to currently enrolled students, and recent graduates (within six (6) months of completing their program of study), and in good standing with the school.
Meetings with the Director
The school's Director welcomes student comments or complaints concerning the school, its programs or staff, and will be happy to meet with any student to discuss such matters, or other general student concerns when mutually convenient.
The school provides both academic, career and financial counseling. Our administration and faculty have extensive knowledge and experience in the legal assistant field and are available to assist students needing counseling.
Director's Designate
Only as permitted by law, the Director may on occasion designate another school official to carry out a function of the Director.
The student's progress is measured by periodic graded projects, assignments and examinations. The results of these graded exercises permit both student and instructor to monitor and evaluate the student's progress, strengths, weaknesses and need, if any, for correction in study routine. Additionally, instructors assign daily homework and periodic class project assignments to students, some of which must be handed-in for instructor grading, progress recording, review and possible consultation with individual students. Final course grades covering the length of a student's program are posted in the school classrooms in which those programs are taught.
Students may request an informal conference with their course instructor, at any time during a class break, or either before or after class, to receive an appraisal of their progress and overall performance.
Progress Records
A complete record of a student's progress in each course and program, including attendance, exam results, homework and class project assignment records, is maintained by the school Director on the student's Permanent Progress Record. Instructors are also required to maintain attendance, exam results, homework, class project assignment, and class participation records for each student in the Progress and Attendance Register for each course. Either record may be reviewed by the student upon reasonable notice to the student's course instructor or school Director at a mutually convenient time.
Attendance Requirements
Students are expected to attend all classes as scheduled. Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class session and is recorded in the Progress and Attendance Register. Students with excessive absences will be severely penalized.
Absences, Attendance Probation and Dismissal
In case of absence, students are required to contact the Director's Office, as they would an employer, prior to or on the day of the absence to give the reason(s) for their nonattendance. Recommendations to prospective employers by the school take attendance into consideration.
Students with absences totaling more than 25% in any particular course they are attending, may be disciplinarily withdrawn from that course by the school, and thereafter receive a grade of WF withdrew failing. A grade of WF counts as a failing grade for purposes of calculating a student’s GPA. Students are reminded that they must complete all courses in their program of enrollment in order to graduate. Therefore, receiving a WF grade will result in delaying graduation until the student successfully repeats that same course at the student’s additional expense.
There are no excused absences. However, students may appeal a course withdrawal by showing sufficient documented evidence of mitigating circumstances such as; poor health, family crisis, or other significant occurrence(s) outside the control of the student, that prevented you from attending class.
After submitting your appeal and while your appeal is being reviewed, you may continue or resume attending the course. If your appeal is granted, you may continue attending the course with no grading (GPA) penalty. However, your above listed absences will still be counted towards your total absence percentage in your academic program.
If your appeal is denied, you must immediately stop attending the course. Again, any grades you receive for work completed in this course will be voided and removed from your academic record. You must then make arrangements with the school Registrar to repeat and pay for retaking the above course at a later date. You will not be allowed to graduate until you complete all the courses in your academic program.
All decisions concerning appeals of administrative course withdrawals are made to the school’s Director. All Director decisions regarding WF grade appeals are final. Therefore, you must be as detailed as possible in your appeal. And you must provide proper documentation of your excuse or mitigating circumstances (within 48 hours) or your appeal may be denied.
Students with absences totaling more than 20% of the total number of instructional hours in their program, excluding an approved leave of absence, will be placed on attendance probation.
Any student who is absent more than 20% of the total number of instructional hours offered during a student's program, excluding an approved leave of absence, and who has not maintained satisfactory academic progress, will be dismissed.
If a student fails to attend classes for a period of eighteen (18) calendar days, the school will send by regular mail a notice advising such student that she will be deemed to have withdrawn from the school program if the student does not notify the school to the contrary within twelve (12) days from the date on which the letter was sent. If the student thereafter fails to respond within such twelve-day period, the student will be deemed to have withdrawn from their program of enrollment and the school.
A notice concerning the severe penalties for excessive absence will be placed in a conspicuous place at the school.
Note: Refer to the Cancellation, Withdrawal and Refund Policies section of the school catalog for information regarding student tuition liability in the event of dismissal.
The school may deny entrance to a class session to any student arriving to class more than 20 minutes late, or to any student habitually late (any length of minutes), and thereafter deem that student absent the entire class session.
A student will be marked "late" or “early leave” by the class instructor, together with an indication of the length of such tardiness if such student:
1. Arrives 15 minutes or more after the start of a scheduled class; or
2. Departs 15 minutes or more early from a scheduled class; or
3. Interrupts her scheduled class attendance for 15 minutes or more.
The instructor will mark a student absent one (1) hour for each class hour that student is late for, departs early from or interrupts for 15 minutes or more, without school authorization.
Grading System
The school uses a letter and percentage grading system. The final grade for each course, and the cumulative grade average for each program, are based on the following scale:
A = 90 - 100%
B = 80 - 89%
C = 70 - 79%
D = 65 - 69%
F = below 65%
WF = Withdrew Failing
INC = Incomplete
P/NC = Pass/No Credit
Therefore, the minimum passing grade on a graded course examination, project or assignment is a D or 65%. The minimum passing grade for a course is a D or 65%. The student failing to achieve a final course grade of at least 65%, may proceed provisionally to the next course in their program.
A WF withdrew failing grade is a disciplinary grade granted for poor attendance and counts as a failing grade for purposes of calculating a student’s GPA. Students are not allowed to voluntarily withdraw from a course within their program of enrollment. Standards of satisfactory progress will be applied to courses in which a student receives a WF grade.
An incomplete (INC) grade may be granted to students who cannot complete all required course work. Incomplete grades are only granted under extraordinary circumstances, and at the discretion of the Director. The Director may grant an "INC" grade in courses where the student demonstrates circumstances of poor health, family crisis, or other significant occurrences outside the control of the student. A grade will be substituted for an incomplete grade if the student successfully completes or fails to complete the required course work within 60 days from the date of that course's final exam. Standards of satisfactory progress will not be applied to courses in which students have incomplete grades.
Paralegal Externship courses are graded on a Pass/No Credit basis. Standards of satisfactory progress will be applied to courses in which a student receives a Pass or No Credit grade.
The weighting formula for school courses is as follows:
Class Participation 10%
Quizzes and Homework Assignments 10%
Mid-Term Examination 30%
Final Examination 50%
The weighting formula for the Legal Research and Writing course is as follows:
Class Participation 10%
Quizzes and Homework Assignments 10%
Writing Project 30%
Final Examination 50%
Student class participation greatly enhances learning development by stimulating academic discussion and intellectual growth, and is highly encouraged of every student. Class participation for grading purposes consists of student participation in class discussions and group project assignments.
Writing projects, consisting of graded written legal research and writing exercises, are assigned in the Legal Research and Writing course. Legal form preparation assignments are conducted in many courses.
Mid-term and final examinations are graded exams. These exams are generally one-half to three hours in length, consisting of a combination of objective brief-type questions calling for short answers, and/or essay extended-type questions calling for longer more detailed answers.
Quizzes may be given periodically as graded exams by the course instructor.
Course instructors assign periodic homework and project assignments. Students must spend at least one (1) hour of study time for each hour of instruction. Students are responsible for timely presentation of homework and class project assignments designated for handing-in and grading by course instructors.
Satisfactory Progress – Academic Standing, Probation and Dismissal
Students must meet the following minimum standards of academic achievement and successful course completion while enrolled in New Person Career School. These standards of satisfactory progress apply to all regular students, and to all courses in which the student receives a final grade. The school’s marking periods are measured by the length of each course within a program.
Graduation Requirements
To receive a Certificate in their program students must: (1) satisfactorily complete all courses comprising their program of enrollment, 2) maintain an overall grade average of at least a C or 70%, and 3) complete their program of enrollment in no more than one and one-half (1.5) times the number of program hours.
Maximum Program Length
Students must complete their program of enrollment in no more than one and one-half (1.5) times the number of hours in their program. Students failing to do so will be dismissed.
Evaluation Points
Each student's progress will be evaluated at the following evaluation points listed below under Minimum Academic Achievement and Minimum Successful Course Completion. Each evaluation is recorded in the student's Permanent Progress Record.
Minimum Academic Achievement
A student must achieve the following minimum grade point averages (GPA) at the following specified evaluation points in their program in order to remain enrolled. Students not meeting these minimum standards will be dismissed:
Evaluation Point Minimum GPA & Probation
1/2 of standard program length 67.50% 67.50 - 69.99
3/4 of standard program length 68.75% 68.75 - 69.99
Graduation 70.00% N/A
Minimum Successful Course Completion
A student must complete the following percentages of the courses (clock hours) attempted (based on the maximum program length) at the following evaluation points to remain enrolled. Students not meeting these minimum standards will be dismissed:
Minimum Successful
Evaluation Point Course Completion % Probation
1/2 of maximum program length 60% 60% - 79%
3/4 of maximum program length 65% 65% - 79%
Maximum program length 100% N/A
A student who successfully completes only the minimum percentage of courses attempted at each of these evaluation points will undoubtedly have to continue attending classes beyond the standard program length.
Academic Probation
Even though a student exceeds the minimum standards for academic achievement and successful course completion, the student will be placed on probation if the student's GPA or successful course completion rate at any of the above evaluation points is less than that required for graduation. For financial aid purposes, a student placed on academic or attendance probation is considered to be making satisfactory progress. Written notification of probationary status and a copy of the student's transcript will be given to all students placed on academic probation.
During any student's academic probation, the school shall make available to such student appropriate academic counseling and remediation. Meetings to review the student's progress, or a copy of his or her transcript may be scheduled upon reasonable notice with either the school's Director, Assistant Directors, or student's course instructor at a mutually convenient time. Students remain on academic probation until they either improve their GPA or are dismissed for failing to improve their GPA as outlined above under Minimum Academic Achievement.
Any student who is absent more than 20% of the total number of instructional hours offered during a student's program, excluding an approved leave of absence, and who has not maintained satisfactory academic progress, will be dismissed.
Continuation as a Non-Regular Student
If a student fails at any evaluation point to meet either the minimum academic achievement or successful course completion standards outlined above, the student may no longer continue at the school as a regular student and is no longer eligible for federal financial aid. However, if approved by the school Director, the student may continue classes as a non -regular student for a period of time not greater than 25% of the normal program length, and will not be eligible for federal financial aid, in order to retake courses or practice skills at which said student was previously unsuccessful. During this period, the student will be charged tuition consistent with tuition fees stated in the school's current catalog.
Reinstatement as a Regular Student
If the student demonstrates, after retaking courses or practicing skills over a period of time no greater than 25% of the normal program length, that she is academically and motivationally prepared to progress satisfactorily in her program of enrollment, the student may be reinstated as a regular student. The Director must approve the reinstatement based on grades received in retaken courses or evaluations made by instructors familiar with the student's work.
All reinstated students will be placed on probation at least until the following satisfactory progress evaluation. While on probation following reinstatement, the student must satisfy any measures deemed appropriate by the Director to redress any remaining academic deficiencies.
Upon reinstatement, the student's GPA and successful course completion percentage will be recalculated for purposes of determining satisfactory progress, if while attending under non-regular status the student successfully completed previously failed courses.
Make-up examinations, Readmission, Incompletes and Course Retaking
Students receiving a final course grade of below 65%will be permitted to take one (1) make-up final examination. The school reserves the right to give a different version of a course's final examination for any make-up examination. Students are allowed only one (1) make-up final examination for one (1) failed course during their program. Students must complete any make-up mid-term exam prior to the final exam in a course. Make-up final exams must be completed within sixty (60) days of the school's posting of their failed course grade. Otherwise, the failed course must be retaken at additional tuition cost to the student. All requests for mid-term or final make-up examinations must be made in writing to the school, not to course instructors, and must be accompanied by a non-photocopied, original doctor's note or excuse of illness, or other supporting documentation or evidence deemed sufficient by the school excusing the student from being present on the original date of the missed examination. Make-up requests for missed quizzes and/or homework must be made to the course instructor prior to the final exam in that course.
Students retaking courses they have received final grades in must pay additional tuition charges for all such retaken courses at the current hourly rate of tuition in effect when retaking the course. Final grades received in retaken courses replace previous final grades of a WF or F on the student's transcript for purposes of calculating the student’s GPA, and satisfactory academic progress.
Any student dismissed from a school program for academic reasons may be readmitted to that program at the discretion of the Director, provided there has been a time lapse of at least two (2) months or more. All readmitted students must retake and pay for all failed courses at the hourly rate of tuition in effect when retaking the course. Upon readmission, the student will be placed in the instructional program at the start of a course not previously attended or a course in which the student failed to receive a final grade of a 65% or above.
Course withdrawals are not permitted, although students may withdraw from their program of enrollment. Refer to the Cancellation, Withdrawal and Refund Policies section of this catalog for information regarding student tuition liability in the event of program withdrawal or dismissal.
Leaves of Absence and Mitigating Circumstances
The Director may grant a leave of absence and/or waive interim satisfactory progress standards for mitigating circumstances such as: poor health, family crisis, or other significant occurrence(s) outside the
student's control. A leave of absence or waiver may be granted only upon written request by the student or student's designate on a school provided form. These circumstances must be documented and must demonstrate that they had or will have an adverse impact on the student's satisfactory progress in their program of enrollment. Approvals of all leaves of absence must be signed by the Director. All written requests for leaves of absence or waiver due to illness must be accompanied by a non-photocopied, original doctor's note or excuse of illness. Standards of satisfactory progress will not be applied during an approved leave of absence or waiver.
With respect to leaves of absence, students are limited to:
1. Leaves of no more than sixty (60) days in length; and
2. One (1) leave per program.
Students will be dismissed if they fail to return to classes by the agreed upon leave end date.
When a student returns from an approved leave of absence, she will be placed in her instructional program at the point commensurate with the skill level she has retained at the time of her return in accordance with the following:
1. For leaves lasting less than 30 calendar days, the school will assess the student's retention level of the instructional program through a counseling session with the student.
2. For leaves of absence lasting 30 calendar days or longer, the school will assess the student's retention level through a written or oral examination designed to measure that student's level of retention of the instructional program.
I. A student who cancels within (7) days of signing the enrollment agreement receives all monies returned with the exception of the nonrefundable registration fee plus the cost of any textbooks or supplies accepted by such student.
II. After the student begins instruction, the student will be liable for:
1. The nonrefundable registration fee; plus
2. The cost of any textbooks or supplies accepted by such student; plus
3. Tuition liability as of the student's last date of physical attendance, according to the length of a school program, as follows:
(1) Refund Policy for Programs Obligating Students for Periods of 12 Months or Less
The refund policy for students attending the school who incur a financial obligation for a period of 12 months or less is as follows:
1. During the first 10% of the period of financial obligation, the school refunds at least 90% of the tuition;
2. After the first 10% of the period of financial obligation and until the end of the first 25% of the period of obligation, the school refunds at least 50% of the tuition; 3. After the first 25% of the period of financial obligation and until the end of the first 50% of the period of obligation, the school refunds at least 25% of the tuition; and,
4. After the first 50% of the period of financial obligation, the school may retain all of the tuition.
(2) Refund Policy for Programs Obligating Students for Periods Beyond Twelve Months
1. Institutions with programs longer than 12 months that financially obligate the student for any period time beyond 12 months release the student of the obligation to pay beyond
the 12 months if the student withdraws during the first 12 months.
2. The calculation of the refund for the unused portion of the first 12 months is based on
section (b)(1) above.
3. If the student withdraws during any subsequent period following the first 12 months, the student’s refund for the unused portion of the tuition applicable to the period of withdrawal is based on section (b)(1) above.
III. The student refund may be more than stated above based on Federal refund policies (if applicable).
The amount of any tuition refund shall be calculated based on the last day of student attendance. Unless otherwise required by federal or state law, all refunds will be made within thirty (30) days of either 1) the student's last date of physical attendance, 2) the date the school determines the student has withdrawn from classes, or 3) the student fails to return to classes by the agreed upon leave of absence end date, whichever occurs later. Students may withdraw from any school program by providing New Person Career School written notice of such intent to withdraw.
Although not required to inform the school in writing of the intent to withdraw, the failure of a student to immediately notify the school Director in writing of the student's intent to withdraw may delay refund of tuition due the student.
Because refund payment amounts vary according to the length of program sessions, please refer to the appropriate program enrollment agreement for more specific refund payment information.
Course and Program Cancellation
The school may cancel any course or program at any time, for any reason, and the student will receive a tuition refund of 100% of any tuition paid for such course or program, including any registration fee, minus the cost of any textbooks, materials, or instructional aids issued by the school and accepted by the student for the cancelled course or program.
Complaint, Grievance and Appeal Procedures and Other Important Notes
1. Students with grievances concerning a school instructor or academic program, or fellow student, are encouraged first speak with their instructor where appropriate. The instructor must make attempts to resolve the problem. If the student is unable to resolve the problem with their instructor, the student is encouraged to make an appointment to discuss the problem with their Academic Advisor or the Academic Dean. If not satisfied with the outcome of these meetings, the student can make an appointment to meet with the school Director. The Director will then attempt to resolve the grievance to the mutual satisfaction of the student and the school. Additionally, students have available the complaint procedures outlined by the Michigan Department of Education.
2. Any student disagreeing with a school determination of a grievance, unsatisfactory progress, probation, suspension, course withdrawal or dismissal, may make a written appeal to the Director. The Director's decision on the appeal is final.
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